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Lazy Query

If you ever want to disable a query from automatically running, you can use the enabled = false option in QueryJob

When enabled is false:

  • If the query has initial data
    • The query will be initialized in the status === 'success' or isSuccess state.
  • If the query does not have any data
    • The query will start in the status === 'idle' or isIdle state.
  • The query will not automatically fetch on mount.
  • The query will not automatically refetch in the background when new instances mount or new instances appearing
  • The query will ignore query client invalidateQueries and refetchQueries calls that would normally result in the query refetching.
  • refetch can be used to manually trigger the query to fetch

Here's a basic QueryJob that won't run automatically:

final lazyQueryJob = QueryJob<String, String>(
queryKey: "lazy-query",
enabled: false,
task: (queryKey, data) {
return Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
() => "Result: key=$queryKey value=$data");

Let's use this Lazy Query Job in our example:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return QueryBuilder<String, String>(
// This query won't run automatically anyway unless the [refetch] method
// is called
job: lazyQueryJob,
externalData: "I can get your heart beat beat beat beating like",
builder: (context, query) {
return Row(
children: [
Text("Current Data: ${ ?? "Loading"}"),
child: const Text("Refetch Query"),
onPressed: () => query.refetch(),