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Query Job

Query Jobs are what you use to define the logic how or from where the data is fetched/queried. It is where the task function is defined. QueryJob is reusable throughout application

Here's a simple example

final job = QueryJob<String, void>(
queryKey: "a-unique-key",
task: (queryKey, externalData){
return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () => "Hello World");

The queryKey must be unique. It is used to identify the job

The task callback has to be asynchronous. When the task is run by Query the queryKey & the externalData passed from QueryBuilder is passed to it as parameters. The externalData can be anything. You can provide a Generic Type parameter for it too


If externalData is of an Iterable type (Map, List, Set etc), it will be compared shallowly

External Data

A more real-world example of QueryJob with externalData

import 'package:fl_query/fl_query.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';

final anotherJob = QueryJob<String, Client>(
queryKey: "another-unique-key",
task: (queryKey, httpClient){
return httpClient.get("").then((response) => response.body);;

Here externalData is a configured Client from the http package.

By default when externalData changes or updates the query is not refetched but if you want it to refetch when the externalData changes, you can set refetchOnExternalDataChange property of QueryJob to true. If you want this behavior globally to be enabled then you can set refetchOnExternalDataChange property of QueryBowlScope to true

import 'package:fl_query/fl_query.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';

final anotherJob = QueryJob<String, Client>(
queryKey: "another-unique-key",
refetchOnExternalDataChange: true,
task: (queryKey, httpClient){
return httpClient.get("").then((response) => response.body);;

Now every time when the externalData changes the query will refetched.


When a query returns an Exception or in other word, fails, the query is re-run multiple times in the background until it succeeds or the retry limit is reached. You can configure the retry behavior of query by modifying retries & retryDelay properties of QueryJob

  • retries: is amount of times the query will be retried before setting the status as QueryStatus.error. If its zero, it will not retry.

  • retryDelay: is the Duration between retries. That means after what amount of duration the retries will take place until it succeeds or the retry limit is reached.

By default retries is 3 and retryDelay is Duration(milliseconds: 200)

final job = QueryJob<String, Client>(
queryKey: "exceptional-query",
retries: 10,
retryDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 200),
task: (queryKey, _) async {
throw Exception("I'm an evil Exception");

Now the query will be retried 10 times with a delay of 200ms between each retry

There are more properties of QueryJob that you can configure. See the API reference of QueryJob