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Mutation Job

MutationJob is just like QueryJob but for Mutations. It is used to define how & where the new data is inserted or existing data is updated or deleted. Basically, it's the kind of Job that you'll use with http POST/PUT/DELETE requests but it doesn't have to be just HTTP requests, it can be anything that returns as long as it returns Future

Here's a simple example:

final basicMutationJob = MutationJob<Map, Map<String, dynamic>>(
mutationKey: "basic-mutation-example",
task: (key, data) async {
final response = await
headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'},
body: jsonEncode(data),
return jsonDecode(response.body);

Here, instead of a queryKey there's a mutationKey parameter that is used to identify the Job. Mutation also supports retries but instead of externalData Mutations has variables parameter that used when the mutate method of Mutation is called where you can pass outside data to the Mutation.task