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Unlike queries, mutations are typically used to create/update/delete data or perform server side-effects. For this purpose, Fl-Query exports a MutationBuilder builder Widget.

Now, let's see previously created MutationJob in action with MutationBuilder:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MutationBuilder<Map, Map<String, dynamic>>(
job: basicMutationJob, // the MutationJob we have created previously
// you've the to the access to all the data & methods of [Mutation]
builder: (context, mutation) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Column(
children: [
controller: titleController,
decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: "Title"),
controller: bodyController,
decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: "Body"),
const SizedBox(height: 20),
onPressed: () {
final title = titleController.value.text;
final body = bodyController.value.text;
if (body.isEmpty || title.isEmpty) return;
// running the mutation on Submit
"title": title,
"body": body,
"id": id,
}, onData: (data) {
// resetting the form
titleController.text = "";
bodyController.text = "";
child: const Text("Post"),
const SizedBox(height: 20),
if (mutation.hasData) Text("Response\n${}"),
if (mutation.hasError) Text(mutation.error.toString()),

A mutation can only be in one of the following states at any given moment:

  • isIdle or status === 'idle' - The mutation is currently idle or in a fresh/reset state
  • isLoading or status === 'loading' - The mutation is currently running
  • isError or status === 'error' - The mutation encountered an error
  • isSuccess or status === 'success' - The mutation was successful and mutation data is available

Beyond those primary states, more information is available depending on the state of the mutation:

  • hasError - If the mutation is in an error state, the error is available via the error property.
  • hasData - If the mutation is in a success state, the data is available via the data property.

In the example above, you also saw that you can pass variables to your mutations function by calling the mutate method with a single variable or object.

Even with just variables, mutations aren't all that special, but when used with the onSuccess option, the QueryBowl's invalidateQueries method and the QueryBowls's setQueryData method, mutations become a very powerful tool.

Resetting Mutation State

It's sometimes the case that you need to clear the error or data of a mutation request. To do this, you can use the mutation.reset method to achieve this

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MutationBuilder<Map, Map<String, dynamic>>(
job: basicMutationJob, // the MutationJob we have created previously
builder: (context, mutation) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Column(
children: [
controller: titleController,
decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: "Title"),
controller: bodyController,
decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: "Body"),
const SizedBox(height: 20),
onPressed: () {
final title = titleController.value.text;
final body = bodyController.value.text;
if (body.isEmpty || title.isEmpty) return;
// running the mutation on Submit
"title": title,
"body": body,
"id": id,
}, onData: (data) {
// resetting the form
titleController.text = "";
bodyController.text = "";
child: const Text("Post"),
const SizedBox(height: 20),
if (mutation.hasData) Text("Response\n${}"),
// when ever an error occurs the error will be shown & alongside
// a reset button
if (mutation.hasError) Row(
children: [
SizedBox(width: 10),
onPressed: ()=> mutation.reset(),
child: Text("Reset")

Mutation Side Effects or Events

MutationBuilder comes with some helper parameters that allow quick and easy side-effects at any stage during the mutation lifecycle. These come in handy for both invalidating and refetching queries after mutations and even optimistic updates

Widget build(context) {
return MutationBuilder(
job: mutationJob,
onData: (data, variables){
onError: (error){

Mutation side effect or event callbacks are all assumed as Futures (basically FutureOr) so every event listener be fired asynchronously.

You might find that you want to trigger additional callbacks than the ones defined on MutationBuilder when calling mutate. This can be used to trigger widget-specific side effects. To do that, you can provide any of the same callback options to the mutate function after your mutation variable. Supported overrides include: onSuccess and onError.

Please keep in mind that those additional callbacks won't run if your Widget gets disposed before the mutation finishes.

onSuccess: (data, variables) async {

onError: (error) async {


Async Mutate

Use mutateAsync instead of mutate to get a Future which will resolve on success or throw on an error. This can for example be used to compose side effects.

 try {
// works like onData
final todo = await mutation.mutateAsync(todoPayload);
} catch (error) {
// works like onError