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QueryBuilder and useQuery

The defined logic in QueryJob is bind to the Flutter UI using the QueryBuilder Widget (or useQuery hook). QueryBuilder is basically a Builder that takes a QueryJob through the job named parameter & creates/retrieves the appropriate Query and passes it down to the builder method

On the other hand, useQuery is just a simple wrapper hook that does the same job as QueryBuilder but instead of building widgets it returns the actual Query

class Example extends StatelessWidget {
const Example({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return QueryBuilder<String, void>(
job: job,
externalData: null,
builder: (context, query) {
if (!query.hasData) {
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
return Text(!);

Here job is the same QueryJob defined at the first snippet in the Query Job tutorial

The externalData parameter of the QueryBuilder is passed to the task function of the QueryJob. It was discussed previously in Query Job#External Data section


The query from the builder callback or returned from useQuery is the appropriate Query created based on the logic & configuration defined in the passed QueryJob

The query parameter aka Query contains all the useful getters, properties & methods for rendering data from the query. It contains the state of the current query, the data, the error, the loading status etc along with useful methods such as refetch and setQueryData

But more importantly, it contains the status of the current Query. It has to types of status one is Query Progression status & another is data availability status

You can access them as follows:

  • Progressive status of Query
    • isSuccess: When the task function returned data successfully
    • isError: When the task function returned an error
    • isLoading: When the task function is running
    • isRefetching: When new data is being fetched or simply the refetch method is executing
    • isIdle: When there's no data & Query's task has not been yet run
  • Data availability status of Query
    • hasData: When query contains data (expired or not)
    • hasError: When the query contains error

Now the most important part of query: Data and Error. You can access the data returned from the task using or the error query.error. Both the data can be null. So always check if the data/error is null before accessing it


Don't use only query.isLoading to check if the data is available or not as the query can be failed & at this time data which can cause UI Exceptions. So use query.hasData always to check if data is available yet or not or use both together

Another important part of this is refetch. Well, you can use it to manually trigger refetch or want the query to get newest data

Finally, you can use setQueryData to manually set the data of the query. This is useful when you want to refresh the query but the newest data is already available in the application. It can be used to reduce network traffic by saving network calls to the server. Or you can use it with Mutations to optimistically set data before the Mutation is executed & then update the query with actual data


You can learn more about Optimistic Updates in the Mutation Tutorial

Here's an real-world example of Query & QueryBuilder

The job:

final anotherJob = QueryJob<String, Client>(
queryKey: "another-unique-key",
task: (queryKey, httpClient){
return httpClient
.then((response) => response.body);;

The Widget:

class Example extends StatelessWidget {
const Example({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// getting the instance of Client provided by the [provider] package
final client = Provider.of<Client>(context);

return QueryBuilder<String, Client>(
job: job,
// passing the client as externalData
externalData: client,
builder: (context, query) {
// checking if data availability along with progressive status
if (!query.hasData || query.isLoading) {
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
// remember to always show a fallback widget/screen for errors too.
// It keeps the user aware of status of the application their using
// & saves their time
else if(query.hasError && query.isError){
return Text(
"My disappointment is immeasurable & my day is ruined for this stupid error: $error",
return Row(
children: [
child: const Text("Refetch"),
onPressed: () async {
await query.refetch();